tmozICommandListener Interface Reference

Command listener. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

boolean onCommand (in AString commandId)
 Called on command.
boolean onUpdateCommand (in AString commandId, in tmozIUpdateCommand update)
 Called to update command.

Detailed Description

Command listener.

Interface have to be implemented by command listener. Such listener can be registered to the view using method tmozIXULView.addCommandListener()

Member Function Documentation

boolean onCommand ( in AString  commandId  ) 

Called on command.

Called when user clicked on specific command in menu or on toolbar.

commandId Command ID
Return true if command was processed. Return false if command was not processed.

boolean onUpdateCommand ( in AString  commandId,
in tmozIUpdateCommand  update 

Called to update command.

Called to update state of specific command in menu or on toolbar.

commandId Command ID
update Object with command state.
Return true if command update was processed. Return false if command update was not processed.

Generated on Wed Dec 15 09:54:21 2010 for Tahiti XPCOM API